's almost Christmas and I've missed Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Pearl Harbor Day, too. Apparently I was too busy wandering. So, first things first: Halloween. The other adventures will have to wait.
I never carve a pumpkin into a reasonable facsimile of a Faberge egg or even a run of the mill jack-o’-lantern. And I rarely dress up as anything out of the ordinary, unless you count party trousers as out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, I consider handing out Halloween candy to trick or treaters to be a civic duty. Even though I grumble each time the doorbell rings during The CBS Evening News, I leave the front porch light blazing during the designated hours on the designated day to take part in this occasionally charming, middle American ritual. Actually, I think it's so important that I've even brought in substitute candy hander-outers when I've had to be out of the house on Trick-or-Treat Night.
I keep track of the audience numbers by counting the empty Kit-Kat bags, and in most years I get about 150 trick or treaters. They run the gamut from tiny to too old to be trick or treating. Things have changed since I was a kid--my parents wouldn't have been caught dead going along with my siblings and me--but today, parents are always lurking at the end of the walk. The kids' costumes range from a little gypsy number that Mom threw together for her toddler to a little gypsy number that an MFA candidate threw together in the Penn State School of Theatre costume shop. The latter, of course, comes complete with a short, impromptu drag performance, as Cher, of Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves. It's almost like getting a home delivery of karaoke.
I never carve a pumpkin into a reasonable facsimile of a Faberge egg or even a run of the mill jack-o’-lantern. And I rarely dress up as anything out of the ordinary, unless you count party trousers as out of the ordinary. Nevertheless, I consider handing out Halloween candy to trick or treaters to be a civic duty. Even though I grumble each time the doorbell rings during The CBS Evening News, I leave the front porch light blazing during the designated hours on the designated day to take part in this occasionally charming, middle American ritual. Actually, I think it's so important that I've even brought in substitute candy hander-outers when I've had to be out of the house on Trick-or-Treat Night.
I keep track of the audience numbers by counting the empty Kit-Kat bags, and in most years I get about 150 trick or treaters. They run the gamut from tiny to too old to be trick or treating. Things have changed since I was a kid--my parents wouldn't have been caught dead going along with my siblings and me--but today, parents are always lurking at the end of the walk. The kids' costumes range from a little gypsy number that Mom threw together for her toddler to a little gypsy number that an MFA candidate threw together in the Penn State School of Theatre costume shop. The latter, of course, comes complete with a short, impromptu drag performance, as Cher, of Gypsies, Tramps, and Thieves. It's almost like getting a home delivery of karaoke.
My favorite costume this year belonged to the kid—I’d guess
he was a senior in high school—who wore a black gaucho hat and was otherwise dressed
head to toe in skin tight black Under Armor. When I asked what he was, without
a touch of irony, he said a cowboy. I burst out laughing, gave him an extra Kit Kat, and was reminded why I enjoy handing out Halloween candy.
This year I also walked downtown to take in the pageant of Penn State
students in costume. If the Princeton Guide to Colleges rated schools based on Halloween costumes Penn State wouldn't make the list. Bad rented costumes, the order of the evening, are a big FAIL in my book. No creativity. No humor. No going over the line. No nothing. Most
kids seem to go to costume rental shoppes and grab the first drecky number they
run into. My guess is that this is just a practice run for when they finally get into a bar, knock back a few shots, and then repeat the ritual by grabbing the fist drecky number they run into.
I have a difficult time differentiating these from normal weekend wear. They're probably majoring in Slutty Women's Studies. Did I mention that every costume comes in a "slutty" version? I am still waiting to see Slutty Mother Theresa, but I'm sure she's out there, doing the Lord's work, wearing some sort of revealing thong/sarong made from a white and blue dish towel and teetering along on 4" ersatz Manolos.
I meant to ask this guy if he was supposed to be Simon Le Bon or Nick Rhodes but instead decided that he was Richard Simmons getting ready to play the home version of Daktari. Apparently his spandex pants didn't come with the optional iPhone codpiece.
If you're going to wear a rented something that is either supposed to be a Leisure Suit or upholstery from a 1978 Ford Maverick you could at least iron it. I lived through the 1970s. Back in the day, we rejoiced in no-iron Herculon. I think it's a product of the Space Program, like Tang, the instant breakfast drink.
This was my favorite costume of the night. Yes, she's a mail order bride. I don't remember what she was majoring in, or where she'd been earlier that evening, but I am sure if I scanned her bar code all that info would be at my fingertips.
The Wandering Wahoo meets cleavage. Who knew? Wonders will never cease. The woman in this very nice home-made frock told me that she was supposed to be the bank bailout. She didn't seem to have a dirty enough mind to have thought of calling herself the Stimulus Package, though Chumley's, where this photo was taken, is not the kind of place where cleavage normally stimulates a package.
These women are not in costume. Unless they are dressing up as co-eds with bad taste who don't own a full length mirror and never thought to ask the question, "Does this too short and too tight dress make my ass look fat?" But my guess is that these are real clothes...even though they are scarier than most costumes.
Here is another posse of Penn Staters, also members of the control group, as in, not in costume. Yes, there is a person who walks around State College on fall evenings toting a Boom Box wearing a t-shirt that identifies him as "Boombox Guy". Subtlety is not his middle name. Are you surprised that he's chummy with a guy who owns a Star Wars Stormtrooper outfit? What can someone who dresses up as a Star Wars Stormtrooper on any old night would possibly wear for Halloween?
It's not often that you see a guy dressed as someone from the Fashionista Wing, Chippendales Division, of the Irish Republican Army. But I was having some of the luck o' the Irish, so to speak. The other 364 days of the year, this guy is one of the People of Walmart.
I'm finally getting around to this blog post at about the same time I'm finishing with my leftover Kit Kat bars--they were Princess Diana's favorite, you know. Perhaps next year, I'll wear a costume when I hand out candy. Do they make orange martini pants in spandex? Fortunately (for me, at least), I have almost a year in which to find out.
It's not often that you see a guy dressed as someone from the Fashionista Wing, Chippendales Division, of the Irish Republican Army. But I was having some of the luck o' the Irish, so to speak. The other 364 days of the year, this guy is one of the People of Walmart.
I'm finally getting around to this blog post at about the same time I'm finishing with my leftover Kit Kat bars--they were Princess Diana's favorite, you know. Perhaps next year, I'll wear a costume when I hand out candy. Do they make orange martini pants in spandex? Fortunately (for me, at least), I have almost a year in which to find out.
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